
Homemade Lunches for Work
LunchMate is a food service app that provides a platform for users to buy homemade lunches to eat at work. Users are connected with workplace colleagues or people who work nearby that sell their lunches on LunchMate.

In todays fast-paced world, many workers are challenged with the idea of finding enough time to complete everyday tasks alongside their work schedule. The constricts of time also make it difficult to prepare healthy or homemade lunches. With LunchMate, you can find others to prepare delicious and hearty meals so you can save time and focus on other tasks.

Alongside buying lunches on the app, the app also includes a messaging feature so users can message the chef for any last minute changes and to further communicate during pickup or collection times.

This app was my personal design project and has not been launched.

Product Designer
User Research, Interaction, Visual Design, Prototyping & Testing

November 2020 - January 2021
🏒 Designing an app which allows sellers to connect with buyers in the office and company workspace
πŸ’° To help sellers create a stream of income
πŸ‘€ To design an app that is functional, usable, and allows for amazing user experience!
Problem Statement
Since this app was my idea with a relatively new concept and specific target market, there is not any direct competition in the market (after doing some research). To identify user pain points, I gathered data from other food delivery apps which can be used in the design process.

1️⃣ Not much flexibility and control over preparation times
2️⃣ Some restaurants are shown more than once which leaves other restaurants with less visibility
3️⃣ View basket shows my address first rather than my food items
4️⃣ The app does not let me cancel my order after the restaurant confirms my order (and there is no indication before)


User Problem

β€œA working professional struggles to prepare and eat homemade or healthy lunches during the week because he is working long hours. My solution provides a quick and easy way for him to buy fresh homemade meals to eat at work”.

User Research

To gather some insight, I surveyed a small group of potential users of this app and other food delivery apps
The information compiled on the right is the results of the interview questions in survey format.
The survey was an online survey which was took about a minute on average to complete.

What I Can Conclude from the Data

While analyzing the results of the survey, there were some conclusions that should be highlighted.
These include that many people would rather not make their lunch for work even if they did have the time. Surprisingly, although many people buy food from work, many are not satisfied with their purchases and the majority hold neutral or negative feelings towards these purchases.
As well, the possibility of purchasing homemade meals from co-workers or through an app are substantially higher especially when there are healthy meal options and convenient service.


Low Fidelity Mockups & Flows

High Fidelity Mockups (with User Testing Iterations)


With the creation of this app, the problem of the user was solved. Through iteration and testing in small groups of my family and friends, the data pointed to the fact that many of the user problems were solved. As well, many goals established for the LunchMate app are expected to be met based on the way users interacted with the app!

In the end, this project was extremely fun to work on and helped me as a designer to grow and strengthen my UX/UI skills! The challenges I met with during the process of designing this app pushed me to do better and learn more about the user, their goals, and research.

I look forward to challenging myself on design projects in the future!